История и культура стран первого иностранного языка
Данные курса
Literature to use for preparation
Новостной форум
Тема 1
Physical geography of the USA - video lecture (part 1)
Physical geography of the USA - video lecture (part 2)
10 Amazing Geographical Facts About The US
The United States - Location, Size and Regions
The United States Flag - Its Symbolism and Meaning
Secrets of the US One Dollar Bill
National Mall in Washington
Top 10 Travel Attractions of Washington
US Capitol, Washington
America’s front yard
Hometask (September 27)
Hometask (October 4)
Reports (September 27)
Reports (October 4)
Quotations (Part 1)
Test 1
Test 2
Тема 2
Native Americans Before the Arrival of the Explorers
25 Little Known Facts About Native Americans
Native Americans History and Culture
Native American Cultures Before 1492
Who discovered America? Part 1
Who discovered America? Part 2
Who discovered America? Part 3
Who discovered America? Part 4
Hometask (October 11)
Hometask (October 18)
Write an argumentative essay "Who discovered America".
Revision 1
Тема 3
13 Colonies: the Early Colonies - Roanoke, Jamestown, Plymouth, & New England
13 Colonies Part II: Settlement of Additional Colonies - U.S. History
13 Colonies: Comparing Regions New England, Middle, and Southern
The First 13 Colonies
The Declaration of Independence
French and Indian War
Preamble to the Constitution
The Bill of Rights
U.S. Foreign Wars & Conflicts - Overview
Martin Luther King, Jr. I Have A Dream Speech
Martin Luther King's I have a dream speech August 28 1963
"I Have a Dream," Address delivered at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
President John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address
President Kennedy's Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961
Ted Sorenson: JFK's inaugural address was world-changing
President John F. Kennedy's Speech Announcing the Quarantine Against Cuba, October 22, 1962
JFK Cuban Missile Crisis Speech
Neil Armstrong - First Moon Landing 1969
Apollo Moon Landing - AUTHENTIC FOOTAGE
Quotations (Part 2)
Quotations (Part 3)
Quotations (Part 4)
Quotations (Part 5)
Quotations (Part 6)
Reports (October 18)
Reports (November 1)
Hometask (October 25)
Hometask (November 1)
Hometask (November 8)
Test 3
Test 4 - quotations
Write an argumentative essay "Relations between The USA and The Russian Federation"
Watch the film "National Treasure"
The Fact And Fiction Of ‘National Treasure’ On The 10th Anniversary Of Its Release
How Much of 'National Treasure' is True? Less Than You Might Think
Additional tasks
Test 5 - National treasure
Watch the film "Apollo 13"
Test 6 - Apollo 13
History USA - presentations
Revision 2
Тема 4
Fun Tour of American Accents
American Accent Essentials
10 Differences between American and British English - Part 1
10 Differences between American and British English - Part 2
Speak with a Southern Drawl
Americans Don't Understand English - The Jonathan Ross Show
Learning Accents with Ben Affleck
Тема 5
The Legislative Branch
Executive Branch - Presidential Powers & Structure
Judicial Branch
Bill becomes a law
Checks and Balances
Political Parties - Functions, Similarities & Differences and Third Parties
Political Candidates - Qualifications, Platforms, & Advertising
Politics: The Media
Electoral College: Becoming and Staying the President of the United States
The Electoral College
How the Electoral College Works
What's The Difference Between A Caucus And A Primary?
U.S. Elections: Primaries
Primary Elections Explained
Primaries and Caucuses: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
US General Election 2016 - How Does the US select a President?
Clinton vs. Trump: The first U.S. presidential debate on CBC News
Donald Trump's Full Presidential Acceptance Speech
Reports (November 15)
Reports (November 22)
Hometask (November 15)
Hometask (November 22)
Presentations (Political system)
Write a comparative essay discussing the results of popular and electoral vote in 2000 and in 2008.
Test 7
Тема 6
Top 10 universities in USA
UK vs. USA Education System
The Russian Educational System vs. The American System
Write a comparative essay discussing the article "The Russian Educational System vs. The American System"
Revision 3
Тема 7
Reports (November 29)
Hometask (November 29)
Presentations (Culture)
Project work (DECEMBER 4)
Тема 8
Тема 9
Тема 10
Exam questions
Sample exam card
Exam dates and time
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История и культура стран первого иностранного языка
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