

Psychology of colour

Colour has always been important. Ever since man understood fiery red meant danger and those purple berries were poisonous, colour has been associated with moods and feelings. Religious artists used colour as a form of shorthand - people looking at a stained glass window or a heraldic coat of arms would have instantly known blue equalled contemplative faith or green meant hope. Even saints were associated with different colours. The colours used to decorate rooms in a house can affect our mood.



Associated with: danger, passion, energy, warmth, adventure, optimism

Best for: dining rooms as it promotes sociable and lively feelings, and stimulates the appetite

Pitfalls: it can be overpowering and lead to headaches. Either vary the shade, paint one wall red, or use it for accessories only. Don't use red in a baby's room



Associated with: love

Best for: bedrooms as it can be peaceful and restful. A hot fuchsia can introduce passion

Pitfalls: can appear to be very girlie and sickly sweet. To counteract this, introduce hints of dark charcoal or black



Associated with: stability, reassurance, warmth, and is thought to aid digestion

Best for: living and dining rooms

Pitfalls: might keep the occupant awake when used in a bedroom. It can make a room look smaller because it's an advancing colour, so make sure the room gets plenty of light



Associated with: nature and energy, calming and restful, balance (halfway between red and blue) security, stability

Best for: bedrooms, living rooms

Pitfalls: too much green is thought to make people too complacent or too laid back. Inject some red or orange to counteract these feelings.



Associated with: calming and soothing; promotes intellectual thought; believed to keep hunger at bay; loyalty, serenity, authority, protection, contemplative, prevents nightmares

Best for: bedrooms, bathrooms, studies

Pitfalls: can look cold and unwelcoming. Make sure it doesn't look too chilly by choosing a blue with a warm undertone



Associated with: sunshine and energy, stimulates the intellect

Best for: kitchens, dining rooms or north-facing rooms

Pitfalls: not very restful for a bedroom. Yellow is thought to enhance feelings of emotional distress



Associated with: spiritual matters - suggests the misty area between the sky and heaven, feminine

Best for: bedrooms and bathrooms to create a stress-free sanctuary

Pitfalls: can be insipid. Liven it up with black or silver, or both



Associated with: creativity, fertility, joy, but also magic, evil, death and sex

Best for: bedrooms

Pitfalls: can be overpowering



Associated with: security, stability and very practical

Best for: living rooms

Pitfalls: introduce a livelier colour for mental stimulation such as green or blue



Associated with: death, eccentricity, drama. It's a non-colour that absorbs colour and reflects nothing back

Best for: using in moderation

Pitfalls: depressing. Use it to temper the sweetness of other sugary colours such as pink, but don't use it as a base colour.


poisonous                                           ядовитый

peaceful                                              мирный

restful                                                 успокаивающий

laid back                                             расслабляющий

calming                                               успокаивающий

soothing                                              успокоительный

chilly                                                   холодный, зябкий


Last modified: Wednesday, 8 April 2020, 8:51 PM