Reading: Ex. 2

2. Раскройте скобки.

Colour is (ассоциируется с) moods and feelings. Religious artists used colour as a form of (условное обозначение). The colours used to decorate rooms in a house can (влиять на) our mood.



Associated with: (опасность), (страсть), energy, warmth, adventure, optimism.

Best for: (стимулирует) the appetite

Pitfalls: it can lead to headaches. Either (варьируйте) the shade, paint one wall red, or use it for accessories only.


(Ассоциируется) with: love

Best for: bedrooms as it can be (мирный) and restful.

Pitfalls: can appear to be very girlie and sickly sweet. To (нейтрализовать) this, introduce hints of dark charcoal or black


Associated with: (стабильность), reassurance, (теплота), and is thought to aid digestion

Best for: living and dining rooms

Pitfalls: might keep people awake when used in a bedroom. It can make a room (выглядеть) smaller.




Associated with: nature and (энергия), calming and restful, (баланс).

Best for: bedrooms, living rooms

Pitfalls: too much green is thought to make people too (расслабленными).


Associated with: (успокоение) and soothing; (продвигает) intellectual thought.

Best for: bedrooms, bathrooms, studies

Pitfalls: can (выглядеть) cold and unwelcoming.


Associated with: (солнечный свет) and (энергия), stimulates the intellect

Best for: kitchens, dining rooms or north-facing rooms

Pitfalls: not very (успокаивающий) for a bedroom. Yellow (увеличивает) feelings of emotional distress


Associated with: security, (стабильность) and very practical

Best for: living rooms


Associated with: death, (эксцентричность), drama. It (поглощает) colour and (не отражает) nothing back. Best for: using (в меру).