Reading: Ex. 3

3. Раскройте скобки.

1. (Иконка) represents something. 2. (Символ) abstracts something. 3. (Указатель) points at something. 4. Design began to (иметь значение) more. 5. Design thinking provides (визуальные методы) for solving problems. 6. Graphic communication (обеспечивает) applied methods for solving problems. 7. Icons are (буквальные). 8. Icons are clear (представления) of things. 9. Indexes are (связанные) things. 10. It (записывает) the most accurate (отчёт) of that structure. 11. It (описывает) biology, both textually and visually. 12. It can elicit (точное) meaning. 13. It can solve problems across different (областях). 14. It is an analytical (инструмент). 15. It is nested (внутри). 16. It is used in (интерпретация) of information. 17. It is used in the study of (знаков). 18. It loses (абстракция). 19. It makes (классификацию) more meaningful. 20. Marrying text and image (требует) care. 21. Meaning can (на него могут влиять) by the form of the elements. 22. Meaning can be affected by the (количество) of the elements. 23. Meaning can be affected by the relative (величиной) of each element. 24. Meaning can be affected by the way they are (распределены) in space. 25. The icon represents exploration and (инновация). 26. They do not have a real (значение). 27. We make that (связь) through opposition via context. 28. We use them to (создать) meaningful works that span scholarly and commercial projects. 29. Words are (абстрактные).