Reading: Ex. 4

4. Заполните пропуски.

1. Graphic communication and design thinking provide visual and _____________________ for solving problems across different domains. 2. Meaning can be affected by four __________: “the form of the elements, the ___________ of the elements, the way they are _____________ in space, and the relative __________________ of each element”. 3. Design began to ____________ more in the realm of communicating complex ideas such as ________________ biology.  4. It can be used to ___________________ the most accurate account of that structure, making classification more ______________. 5. Semiotics is an analytical tool used in the study of signs and __________________ of information. 6. Understanding the three kinds of __________: icon (represents something), ________ (points at something), and _______ (abstracts something) is important. 7. We use them to create ______________ works that span scholarly and commercial projects. 8. They _____________ scholarly and commercial projects. 9. Icons are clear ______________ of things. 10. Indexes ______________ at things. 11. Words are _____________ because they do not have a real meaning.  12. We make that connection through ______________ via context.  13. Icons become the most ________ of all signs due to the fact that we can make meaning immediately. 14. Marrying text and image requires great ______________. 15. It can elicit ________ meaning. 16. The logotype is ________ by legendary graphic designer Milton Glaser. 17. A lightning bolt is _____________ inside.