Use of English: Ex. 4

4. Сделайте упражнение по образцу.

Example 1: There is a book. – Есть книга.

1. a domain; 2. a form; 3. an account; 4. a tool; 5. a sign; 6. a symbol; 7. a variable; 8. an accurate account; 9. an analytical tool; 10. an applied method; 11. an icon; 12. an index; 13. an interpretation; 14. a classification; 15. entertainment; 16. graphic communication; 17.a method.


Example 2: You should consider the book. – Тебе нужно принять во внимание эту книгу. (Обратите внимание на произношение артикля the)

1. the domain; 2. the form; 3. the account; 4. the tool; 5. the sign; 6. the symbol; 7. the variable; 8. the accurate account; 9. the analytical tool; 10. the applied method; 11. the icon; 12. the index; 13. the interpretation; 14. the classification; 15. entertainment; 16. graphic communication; 17.the method.


Example 3: It is a book. – It isn’t a book.

1.It is important across different domains. 2. The form of the elements matters. 3. It gives an accurate account. 4. It provides an analytical tool. 5. It is a sign. 6. We use symbols. 7. There are four variables. 8. The account is accurate. 9.We use the tool. 10. They use an applied method. 11. Icon represents something. 12. We use index. 13. The interpretation is used. 14. They use the classification. 15. Entertainment is important. 16. Graphic communication matters a lot. 17.The method is used.


Example 4: a domaindomainS. (с теми словами, которые образуют мн.ч.)

1. a domain; 2. a form; 3. an account; 4. a tool; 5. a sign; 6. a symbol; 7. a variable; 8. an accurate account; 9. an analytical tool; 10. an applied method; 11. an icon; 12. an index; 13. an interpretation; 14. a classification; 15. entertainment; 16. graphic communication; 17.a method.