Иностранный язык. Профессионально-ориентированный курс 2024-2025 учебный год
Course data
Introductory module
Обратная связь с преподавателем Полякова М.В.
Список литературы
Правила аттестации по дисциплине
Кац Н.Г. _10.05
Загоруйко_А.О. 10.05
Module 1. Building a career. Vocabulary skills
Key vocabulary
Unit 1. Divide the words into 3 groups based on their meaning (обязательное задание)
Unit 1. Complete the text with the right form of the verbs from the list
Unit 1. Complete the sentences with the words used with "career"
Unit 1. Choose the right preposition to complete the sentences
Unit 1. Read the text about education business and choose the right option to complete the gaps
Before you watch the video match the words with their synonyms
Now watch the video "Mastering the Art of the Interview"
Decide whether the statements are true or false
Complete each Ashley’s advice using the words below
Do you manage to build a boundary between work and home? What advice can you give?
Do you know your strengths?
What are your non-negotiables?
What other pieces of advice can you give for those who will go to their first job interview?
Have you ever attended any job interviews? How did it go?
Study useful phrases for a job interview
Find out some ideas for interview questions
Read the information about the vacancy and make up a job interview between a hiring manager and a candidate
Module 1. Building a career. Reading skills
Student loans. Match the words and their translations
Student loans. Before you read
Read the information about different student loans. Choose for each student profile a proper bank offer. Pay attention to students' interests and banks' requirements
Unit 1. Life begins at 60
Unit 1. Job advertisements
Module 1. Building a career. Listening and writing skills
Match the words and their definitions
Match the words from two columns to make collocations
How to write a perfect cover letter
Answer the questions
Complete the sentences with the words from the video
Decide whether the statements are true or false
Choose the right preposition for each verb from the list
Module 1. Test
Test Module 1 (experiment)
Module 2. Information Technology. Vocabulary skills
Key vocabulary. Unit 2
Unit 2. Fill in the missing letters to complete the sentences with the words realted to computers
Unit 2. Choose the right word to complete the text (1)
Module 2. Information Technology. Reading skills
Unit 2. Websites and search engines
Module 2. Information Technology. Listening and Writing
Unit 2. Match the reasons with the purpose statements
Unit 2. Memos need to be short and concise. New information should be highlighted at the top of the memo and not “hidden” among unnecessary details. In what order would you put the following in a well- structured memo?
Unit 2. Match the paragraphs with the bullet points
Unit 2. Put paragraphs in the correct order to match the plan
The impact of technology
How Is Technology Changing Businesses?
Read two internal memos which have been circulated at Derrant Technologies. Complete the memos by adding these phrases
The following memos sent by the personnel department about new appointments have got jumbled up. Match the beginning with the correct endings to produce for memos
Module 3. Quality. Vocabulary skills
Key vocabulary. Unit 3
Unit 3. Word building. Read the text about Six Sigma. Fill in the gaps with the words formed from the words in brackets
Unit 3. Read the text about Planned Obsolescence and choose the right words to complete the gaps
Module 3. Quality. Reading skills
Unit 3. Total Quality Management
Unit 3. Planned Obsolescence
Module 4. Feedback. Vocabulary skills
Key vocabulary. Unit 4. Feedback
Unit 4. Choose the right word to complete the text
Module 4. Feedback. Reading skills
Зачетная неделя
Module 3. Quality. Vocabulary skills
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Иностранный язык. Профессионально-ориентированный курс 2024-2025 учебный год
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Course info
Курсы структурных подразделений института
Высшая школа лингвистики и педагогики (ВШЛиП)
Курсы от Высшей школы инженерной педагогики, психологии и прикладной лингвистики
Иностранный язык. Профессионально-ориентированный курс 2024-2025 учебный год
Иностранный язык. Профессионально-ориентированный курс 2024-2025 учебный год
Курс предназначен для студентов очной и заочной формы ИПМЭиТ.
Валиева Фатима Ивановна
Гаврилова Анна Вадимовна
Герасимова Анастасия Сергеевна
Жеребкина Ольга Сергеевна
Загоруйко Анна
Иванова Екатерина Аркадьевна
Кац Нора Григорьевна
Мамлеева Альфия Фяридовна
Нам Татьяна Анатольевна
Обура Жан Клод Одхиамбо
Одинокая Мария Александровна
Осипова Екатерина Сергеевна
Полякова Марина Викторовна
Рубцова Анна Владимировна
Сарян Марина Арташевна
Станько-Смыкова Ксения Андреевна
Сушинина Мария Александровна
Федюковский Александр Анатольевич
Ферсман Наталия Геннадиевна
Цимерман Евгения Александровна
Четина Мария Михайловна
Skill Level
Skill Level