GRAMMAR: Transform the verbs

Transform the verbs into passives:

Example: By using vector notation, we can write physical laws in compact and simple form. => By using vector notation, physical laws can often be written in compact and simple form.

  1. A physicist, Willard Gibbs of Yale University, invented Modern vector notation primarily to simplify the appearance of equations.
  2. To describe a vector, we have to specify both its magnitude and its direction.
  3. We usually indicate the magnitude of a vector in vertical bars.
  4. The magnitude of a vector carries its physical dimension.
  5. We deformed a 2-dimensional square body into a rectangle.
  6. During his tensile test, Leonardo da Vinci Fine fed sand through a small hole into a basket attached to the lower end of the wire until the wire broke.
  7. In 1946 he was awarded the Nobel committee awarded Percy W. Bridgman with the Nobel prize in physics for his work at high pressure.
  8. We can reach much higher strains in compression, torsion, and bulge tests.
  9. We must make corrections for departure from plane-strain flow near the edges.
  10. 10. We should realize that in a torsion test, the material rotates relative to the principal stress axes.