ON THE INTERNET: Ex 1.29 Work with the internet resources.

Ex 1.29 Work individually with the internet resources.

A. Search for Q1 or Q2 journals on microbiology. You may use the following link for this: https://www.scimagojr.com/journalrank.php

A quartile is a category of scientific journals defined by bibliometric indicators that reflect the level of citation, that is, the relevance of the journal to the scientific community. As a result of ranking, each magazine falls into one of four quartiles: from Q1 (highest) to Q4 (lowest). The most authoritative magazines belong, as a rule, to the first two quartiles - Q1 and Q2. The following indicators are used to determine the journal quartile: impact factor Journal Citation Reports (JCR) for the Web of Science (WoS) database indexing about 12,500 journals, and SCIMago Journal Rank (SJR) for the Scopus database indexing about 21,000 journals, including the vast majority of magazines indexed by WoS.

Impact Factor, or JCR, is a citation index calculated on the basis of the annual number of links to articles published in a journal over the previous two years. For example, the impact factor of a journal for 2012 is defined as the ratio of the number of links from all publications in all WoS-indexed journals published in 2012 to the publications published in this journal in 2010-2011 to the number of publications in this journal for 2010-2011 years. The official definition and principle of calculating the impact factor is given on the Web of Knowledge website. Impact factor journals are published annually in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) database, which is part of the Web of Knowledge system (available from all HSE computers at isiknowledge.com).

The impact factor was developed in the 1960s by the American Institute of Scientific Information (Institute for Scientific Information, now Thomson Scientific as part of the Thomson Reuters media company) to compare related journals and does not allow comparison of journals from different scientific fields. For many humanities journals, the official impact factor is not published; SJR will be used to evaluate publications in such journals.

B. Give a review of the latest issues of one of the journals you have found. For example, you may visit the following website: https://www.jstatsoft.org/index

C. Write out and analyze the titles of the research papers in this journal. Which grammatical constructions are used more often? What are the fixed strings the authors use more often? Write them out and comment on them in the classroom.

D. Choose and read five abstracts at home and tell students in the classroom which subjects are considered to be popular nowadays and give the reasons why.