LANGUAGE - CLOZE Ex 2.18 Circle the correct word.

Ex 2.18 Circle the correct word (20 pairs)

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has warning / warned that the Zika virus outbreak in Latin America could turn / turning into a global pandemic. Many scientists say the outbreak could be more seriously / serious than the Ebola virus. Ebola killed over 11,000 people in West Africa in 2014 and 2015. The WHO estimated / estimate that the Zika virus could infect / infection four million people by the end of 2016. The viral / virus has been advancing across South and Central America in the past / passed year. Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of the WHO, warned that Zika is "spreading explosively". She added that it has quick / quickly gone from being a mild threat to being  frightening / frightened. Warmer weather means the mosquito that carries the virus is also spreading worldwide / world.

The Zika virus is linked to a large raise / rise in birth defects in Brazil and surrounding countries. In particular / peculiar, scientists say it causes a neurological defect name / called microcephaly. This is where a baby is born with a smaller head than normal, and within / with brain damage. Health officials in Brazil reported that around 4,000 babies were born with microcephaly last year. This compares to fewer / smaller than 150 cases in 2014. The Colombian government has just reported / report that more than 2,100 pregnant women in Colombia are infected with / of  the virus. There is no vaccine for Zika and it will be difficult to find one / some. A doctor said a vaccine would have to be tested on pregnancy / pregnant women, and that would be "a practical / practically and ethical nightmare".