Ex 3.30 Work individually with the internet resources.

A. Search for Q1 or Q2 journals on microbiology. You may use the following link for this: https://www.scimagojr.com/journalrank.php

B. Give a review of the latest issues of one of the journals you have found. For example: you may visit the following website: https://www.jstatsoft.org/index

C. Write out and analyze the titles of the research papers in this journal. Which grammatical constructions are used more often? What are the fixed strings the authors use more often? Write them out and comment on them in the classroom.

D. Choose and read five abstracts at home and afterwards tell other students in the classroom which subjects are considered to be popular nowadays and give the reasons why.

Ex 3.31 Find a research paper which is more interesting for you to read. You may use the following websites: https://www.scimagojr.com https://www.sciencedirect.com

A. Read it carefully, find the keywords (make up a glossary), write a summary (7-10 pages) and discuss it in the classroom.

B. Create an infographics or a mind map based on the information you have read. Present it to the group in the classroom. You may use the websites: https://www.mindmeister.com https://coggle.it

Ex 3.32

A. Search for a podcast on your research subject (or, at least, on any subject related to your professional field), listen to the podcast, take notes and get prepared to deliver a small talk in class (a 5-minute lecture) using your notes. You may use the following website to complete the task: http://north-v-south.co.uk/

B. Search for a video on your research subject (or, at least, on any subject related to your professional field), watch the video, take notes and get prepared to deliver a small talk in class (a 5-minute lecture) using your notes. You may use the following website to complete the task: https://www.ted.com/talks

Ex 3.33 Compare the original abstract from the text “…” (https://www.researchgate.net…) with its machine-translated versions, correct the mistakes if necessary.